Shed cherry flowers with long branches long grafting technology

With the rapid development of cherry in greenhouses, the problem of pollination of large cherry varieties during the cultivation of facilities has become increasingly prominent. Due to problems such as less pollinated varieties or inaccessible varieties of pollination, the cherry sheds in greenhouses have few fruits, which seriously restricts the yield and efficiency of cherry in greenhouses. . Since 2003, we have adopted the "long-branches with long branches and grafting technology" to change the pollination source of big cherries in the greenhouse. We have achieved the same year of replanting. The flowering results of the year, the average yield of 3.5kg, provided pollen for other varieties. The pollination combination was changed and the overall output of large cherries in the shed was greatly increased. After the replantation, the average yield per plant of the mother plant was 7.5 kg in the second year, and the average yield of the plant in the third year of the tree crown was 15 kg, reaching a yield of 2,500 kg per mu. The relevant experiments are summarized as follows:
1, materials and methods
1.1 Experimental design The trial was conducted in Lujiataizi Village, Longgang Town, Linyi County. The test tree was a five-year-old cherry tree. The main planting type was a red light. The awarded varieties were Hongyan, Italian Red, Chicken Heart, Red Honey, etc., which were planted in the spring of 1998. The spacing of the rows is 34m. The tree-type free-spinning domes and the happy-shape shapes are changed to Rennie, Pioneer and Rabins.
1.2 grafting time greenhouse 15 days after the temperature rose to flowering (flower buds sprouting period), early access is appropriate, choose sunny grafting, pay attention to the low temperature in the shed affect the survival rate.
1.3 The method of grafting uses splicing, cutting and cutting. Combine the plastic and cut at 10 to 20 cm at the base of the main lateral branch. Generally, the lateral branches of 2 to 4 cm in diameter are used for the truncated branches, and the lateral branches of the main lateral branch are grafted using a splicing method to achieve full utilization. Space, increase production.
1.4 Several issues should be noted when grafting (1) Long grafting, grafting 30 to 50 per plant, as many as possible.
(2) The length of scion with long branches of flowers is 30-90cm, more suitable for 50-60cm.
(3) Spikes are selected from 2 to 3 years old with flowers and long branches.
(4) Scion selection branches with short squid branches, long branching is not conducive to plastic tubes and affects survival.
(5) Scion noodles should be lengthened as much as possible, preferably 3 to 6 cm, to increase the healing surface, which is beneficial to survival.
(6) Grafting and grafting after grafting should be tightly packed with a plastic tube or plastic film.
(7) The bridging interface must be tied and firm so that the grafting interface is in close contact with the splices and the formation is aligned.
(8) 2 to 3 days before grafting, adequate watering should be carried out on the replanted trees in order to increase the survival rate, while no watering is required after grafting, so as not to cause fluidity and affect survival.
(9) 15 weeks after grafting, depending on the degree of healing, the bandaging film on the interface was removed and the survival was affected too early and late. If the solution is untied prematurely and has not yet completely healed, it is too late to release the bundle, and it is easy to make the plastic film bundle into the bark, so that the grafted branch breaks, and it needs to be untied 2 to 3 times according to the healing condition of the interface.
2. Supporting management technology in the greenhouse after grafting
2.1 Promotion When the greenhouse temperature rises to 15-22°C, the grafted branches begin to grow, and a series of tree growth management measures are implemented according to the phenophase.
2.1.1 Immediately after the removal of germination, the proportion of the root and the crown of the tree is destroyed, and the axillary buds are easily germinated at the lower part of the grafted interface. This is to concentrate the nutrients and promote the growth of the grafted long branch, and to remove the graft 7 to 10 days after grafting. Meng, after every 7 to 10 days and then once again, continuous 3 to 5 times, until no bud spawning, the crown canopy bald blebs, can be properly preserved Meng, to be later connected.
2.1.2 Fertilizer and Water Management Under the premise of full application of base fertilizer, from the beginning of survival, every 10 to 15 days, top dressing and watering once, for 4 to 5 times, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and quickly expand the crown.
2.1.3 After the leaves have been sprayed with fertilizers, they are sprayed once every 7-10 days, and sprayed continuously. Nitrogen is the main fertilizer in the early stage and organic liquid fertilizer is added.
2.1.4 Pinching to increase growth and increase branches, increase the number of branches grafted branches, shoots to extend the length of new shoots to 30 ~ 40cm, heavy heart, cut 10cm, promote secondary branches. At the same time, bandage sticks to prevent artificial damage or break in the production management process, after picking the fruit, immediately remove the stick, the second new branch slightly longer to 20 ~ 30cm, and then heavy heart, cut 10cm, trigger three branches.
2.2 to promote flowers
2.2.1 Chemically promoted flowers. After fruit harvesting, spray PBO 120 to 150 times once every 10 to 15 days, and then spray once, depending on the growth situation, and spray 2 to 3 times.
2.2.2 ring cut to promote flowers, after fruit picking, the base of grafted branches every 20 ~ 30cm cut a circle, retain part of the nutrition, promote flowering.
2.2.3 Topping, picking and pulling branches, in order to form short fruit branches and bouquet-like fruit branches, when the new shoot grows to 10~15cm, leave 5~10cm topping, and the second shoot to grow to 10cm to leave 5cm to pick up the heart 2~3 times. Into the flower, the formation of the result of the branch, in July to August, took a branch, opened the angle.
2.2.4 fertilizer and water management, topdressing with phosphorus and potassium, less nitrogen fertilizer, proper water control.
2.2.5 foliar spray fertilizer, combined with spraying, once every 7 to 10 days, the use of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or photosynthetic fertilizer, leaf treasure and so on.
2.3 Pest control After the replanting, there are many new shoots, which are vulnerable to the damage of new shoots of pear carnivora. Attention should be paid to prevention and control. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of red spider and perforation.
2.4 changed after the pruning
2.4.1 dormancy trim. From the middle and late November, the beginning of the deciduous period and the end of the warming period, the later the trimming time, the better. The trimming is mainly performed by light shearing, and the trimming is not to be cut as far as possible. Technology promotes flowering.
2.4.2 Pruning during growth period. Mainly at the shoot growth stage and after fruit picking, new shoots may be taken during the growing season by picking up tips, cutting tips, pulling branches, twisting shoots, or circumcision to suppress the growth of new shoots, promote branching, and increase the branch number to promote flower bud differentiation. After pruning the fruit, the pruning method is mostly used to remove the dense branches, excessively strong and disorderly branches.
3, soil fertilizer management
3.1 Soil Management
3.1.1 Soil Improvement Soils with strong viscous or sandy soils are mixed with sand or admixed to improve the impermeability of the underground watertight plywood and hard layer. The focus of the improvement is to apply more organic fertilizer, which can be combined with soil deep turning.
3.1.2 Deep-turning greenhouses The cherry is suitable for sandy soils with thick soil layers, loose soil, and well-ventilated sandy loam. Deep-turning can loosen and ripen the soil, so that the deep soil can be well ventilated, which is beneficial to the growth of roots. However, when deep-turning, care should be taken to protect the rough roots. The area of ​​a deep-turning should not be too large. It should be widened and deepened in different years so as not to cause a large number of roots. Because the cherry tree has a thick root, it slowly recovers after being damaged, and it is susceptible to root diseases. Causes the tree to be weak.
3.1.3 The aim of shallow planing is to loosen the soil, improve the structure of the pellets, maintain moisture, and increase the temperature of the ground.
3.1.4 Collapse ridge cultivation Increase the load, prevent flooding, increase soil surface area, and increase soil permeability.
3.2 Fertilization
3.2.1 Basal fertilization can be applied to basal fertilization in combination with basal fertilization in autumn. The roots of cherries can absorb nutrients and produce new roots at lower temperatures. Basal fertilizers should be used as basal fertilizers. The time is from September to October, and good quality farmyard manures such as human waste, sheep manure, and pigs can be selected. Excrement, chicken excrement, duck dung, etc., try to use large livestock excrement, organic fertilizer per acre 4000 ~ 5000kg, accelerated effect of nitrogen fertilizer 40kg, superphosphate 50 ~ 100kg, zinc fertilizer 2kg, boron 1 ~ 2kg, mixed application.
3.2.2 top dressing cherry fruit development period is short, the need for nutrient concentration, so top dressing should be before germination, after flowering and early fruit development top dressing 3 to 4 times, topdressing mainly fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer before germination, after flowering and fruit In the early stages of development, phosphorus, potassium or cherry-based fertilizers are the main components.
3.2.3 Fertilization after fruit harvesting After cherry harvesting, fertilization should be performed once. This fertilization will have a certain effect on the recovery of tree growth, development of flower buds, and flower bud differentiation and yield in advance next year. One of the measures to ensure high yield and stable production of the harvested fertilizer. The types of fertilization used were soil excrement, manure, and large manure, diammonium, etc., in order to avoid too many roots, or using hole cast.
3.2.4 The foliar fertilizer application is dominated by nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage, and high-quality urea can be used. Spray once before germination, with a concentration of 2%, and spray it twice every 7 to 10 days thereafter. The spray concentration is 0.3 to 0.5%. In the later stage, organic fertilizers, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are the main products, and humic acids, photosynthetic fertilizers, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used. In the absence of a cherry orchard, the use concentration of micro-fertilizer and micro-fertilizer is several times 0.2 to 0.3%, and the spraying time is preferably before 10 o'clock in the morning or after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
3.3 reasonable watering Cherry root distribution is shallow, neither drought nor resistance to earthworms, especially after the Xiehua to the fruit before harvest, the fruit development is the most vigorous, is the critical period of large cherry water requirement, if water shortage, can cause young A lot of shedding. In the process of fruit growth and development, the extent of soil water content change should be avoided as much as possible to cause a large change in air humidity in the shed, resulting in cracking. The watering in the greenhouse is different from that in the open air. It should be poured less, and the water temperature should be raised in the shed before watering to prevent the 0°C water from pouring and the ground temperature falling down, leading to physiological drought and fruit drop. After the shed is sprouted, the ditch is poured into a small amount of water to keep the ground dry and the ground temperature is maintained. The hard nucleus is then watered before the fruits are swollen and watered during the ripening period. Each plant is 50-80 kg. In short, from budding to harvesting, the humidity index of each phenological period is: the relative humidity before germination is about 80%, the flowering to flowering period is about 60%, the flowering to fruit expansion period is 50-60%, the fruit coloring period to harvesting The period is 50%. The control of the humidity is mainly controlled by the overlap of the cover straw curtain and the switch vent or the switch membrane. At the same time, attention should be paid to the irrigation method and the amount of irrigation water. When watering is required, furrow irrigation or hole irrigation method should be adopted. Pay attention to drainage.
4, results analysis
4.1 The effects of grafting with long branches and tall branches on the survival rate As the greenhouses can be controlled artificially, the temperature is suitable, the humidity is stable, and the wind damage does not affect the grafted parts to heal quickly and the survival rate is high.
4.4 Impact of the change on the yield and benefit of the tree The year of replanting, the strain produced 3.5kg, the second year produced 7.5kg, and the third year produced 15kg.
4.5 The impact on the yield of other varieties in the shed after the change was made The high-quality pollen source was provided after the change. The output in the shed was increased by 250kg in that year, 600kg in the second year, and 800kg in the third year.
5 Conclusion
5.1 The mix of cherry pollination varieties in greenhouses directly affects the level of cherry production. Grafting high-branches and high-branches are grafted in the cherry shed of greenhouses, and good pollination varieties have been changed. The overall fruit setting rate of greenhouse cherries has been increased, which has greatly increased the number of greenhouses. The overall output and economic benefits have doubled.
5.2 In the greenhouse, long branches and long branches with flowers are grafted. In the greenhouse, the temperature and humidity conditions are superior, and the grafting survival rate is 91 to 95.5%. Adopt key measures such as long-term sprouting, topping, and circumcision, rapidly expanding the canopy, increasing the number of branches, forming flower buds, rapidly recovering production, and increasing total output.
5.4 Grafting with long branches of flowers, realizing the year of grafting, flowering results of the year, pollination of other breeds of the year, can be widely promoted and applied.

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