High-yield rapeseed cultivation technology

Tibetan rapeseed cultivars are mainly cabbage (also known as small rape). In recent years, Lhasa, Shannan, Linzhi, Changdu and other river valley agricultural areas have planted high-quality cabbage-type spring rapeseed, and the development speed is relatively fast. The varieties are mainly low-lo

Zucchini planting technology

Reasonable planting of zucchini: The seedling age is generally 25-30 days, and the seedling grows to 2 leaves and 1 heart or 3 leaves and 1 heart. The standard for strong seedlings is that the seedlings are short and strong, with thick leaves, short stalks

How to make cucumber root system more vigorous

As the saying goes: Only deep roots can make leaves. Cultivating a well-developed root group with vigorous vitality is an important measure to ensure high yield and quality of cucumber. 1. Turn the soil deeply and add fully fermented and mature organic f