
[Scientific name] Photiniaserrulata

[alias] Shinan, Maple Medicine, Millennium Red


Production in various provinces (districts) south of the Qinling Mountains in China; distribution in Japan, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Hi warm and humid and sunny environment, able to short-term temperature of -15 °C. It is also more shade-tolerant and requires a deep, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, and it is also resistant to drought, water, and moisture. 4-6m high, branches beige. Leaves leathery, oblong to obovate-elliptic, margin sparsely glandular serrate, subbasal entire. Reticulum inflorescences terminal. Small flower path 6-8mm, petals white, nearly round. Flowering from April to May. The fruit is spherical, red and brownish purple. The fruit period is October. The main planting is sowing, and the plot is sown in the spring of the following year. For the first year, half of the mature branches were selected for cuttings. In the spring transplant, soil ball should be taken, and some branches and leaves should be cut off. Heather tree crown spherical, dense foliage. The new leaves in spring are bright red, and the white inflorescence trails are 10-16cm in diameter in summer, and red and red leaves in autumn and winter are beautiful ornamental trees. Suitable for solitary planting, cluster planting or basic planting. P. davidsoniae; P. glabra; P. lasiogyna; P. villosa and so on.

Classification of testing reagents on the market:

1. Nucleic acid detection reagents((2019-nCoV) Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit) are medical reagents, with high accuracy and high price. The throat takes liquid samples for testing. It takes 2 hours to produce the results. It requires professional equipment. The professionalism is high. The compliance rate is 97%. Degrees of preservation, dry ice transportation! Suitable for hospitals, government agencies!

2. Antibody Detection Reagents(COVID-19 IgM/IgGAntibody Detection Kit) are civilian detection reagents that need instrumental assistance. The accuracy is average. The blood test can produce results in 15-30 minutes. It is fast and simple, and the price is low (about 8.5 US dollars). It is shipped at room temperature! Suitable for civilian use

3. Colloidal gold,test kits(Colloidal Gold COVID-19 IgM/IgG Detection Kit), civil reagents, blood tests, pregnancy test papers, no instruments required, fast results in 5 minutes, a few minutes, 8 US dollars each! Normal temperature transportation.

Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit

Pcr Instrument,Antibody Detection Kit,Antibody Detection Reagents,Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit

Guangzhou Zhongzhinan Supply Chain Co.,Ltd. ,