Appropriately add protein material beef cattle fattening digestion

During the production of beef cattle, some specialized households often feed more concentrated feed in order to increase the length of the beef cattle. In particular, a large number of high-quality protein feeds such as bean cakes, peanut cakes and soybeans are added. It is not impossible to add protein feeds to beef cattle diets. But according to the specific conditions and needs of beef cattle, it's better not to add more. Because of the growth of beef cattle during their lifetime, there is a difference in the amount of nutrients, especially protein. Add more, beef cattle can not digest and absorb, not only cause feed wastage, increase feed costs, but also increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract of cattle, but also cause disease; add less, can not meet the needs of beef cattle growth and development of protein, impact Fattening effect and beef quality. So, how much protein is suitable for beef cattle feed?

Shelf cattle: Shelf cattle with a weight of about 300 kilograms that are fattened in a cattle house, the proportion of protein feed in the diet can account for 10% to 13%. After gradually increasing body weight, the content of protein feed in the diet can be reduced. By the end of fattening, the content of protein feed can account for 10% of the diet.

The calves before 3 months of age: During the breeding period, due to their rumen development and rumen microflora are still not perfect, therefore, calf's protein nutrition is similar to that of monogastric livestock and poultry, and some essential amino acids cannot be synthesized in the body. Therefore, when raising yaks before 3 months of age, a variety of protein feeds (eg, bean cakes, cottonseed cakes, etc.) should be used in the feed to match. With a variety of protein feeds, the amino acids they contain can complement each other and make up for each other to achieve balance. If 1% of the bean cake and cottonseed cake are blended, it is better to feed the yak protein supplement than to feed the bean cake alone, because the bean cake contains more lysine and tryptophan and the methionine is lacking. By combining these two types of amino acids, amino acids can complement each other. If you are using some feeds containing more protein such as bran and alfalfa meal, the feeding effect will be better. During the growth process of yak, body protein increases rapidly and the protein requirement is large. The younger the age, the greater the amount of protein needed, and the proportion of protein feed in the diet can account for 20%.

For calves from 6 to 12 months: When the weight is 150-200 kg, the protein feed content in the diet can be reduced to about 15%. Later, with the increase in body weight of yaks, the content of protein feed in the diet can also be gradually reduced to 12%.

Old-age cattle fattening: fattening old-age cattle, dietary protein feed content, only 10%, but must feed corn, sorghum, sweet potato dry energy feed.

Fattening high-grade beef cattle: In the production of high-grade beef for strength fattening, the content of protein feed in the diet should be increased by 2% to 3% compared with ordinary beef fattening.

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