Insect pests and prevention of orchids

Orchids are many insect pests. Once they occur, the growth is poor and the whole plant is dead. The person raising the orchid should take timely measures to prevent and treat it in time. The main insect pests and control methods of orchids are now briefly introduced for reference by Lan.

The scale insect is abbreviated as 蚧, also known as Lancang, and it has many species, wide distribution, large amount of insects, and small insects. It is the enemy of the orchid and the number one pest. Endangered orchids are commonly found in shields, white rims, and whiteflies. The nymph crawling is fixed on the back of the orchid leaves, leaf sheaths and bulbs for a short time, and a white shell is gradually formed on the body. After mating, the eggs were laid under the shell. After the eggs hatched, the nymphs climbed out from the bottom of the shell and shaded the most near the veins. The suction and suction mouthpiece sucks leaf blade leaf fluid, resulting in yellow leaves and weak growth.

Prevention and control methods: 1 Improve the environment and ventilation conditions for raising orchids, and watering should be appropriate. 2 With a small number of feedings and a small amount of insects, use a toothbrush, toothpick, bamboo, and other tools to scrape off the adult and concentrate it. 3 In the nymph incubating period, use 40% omethoate EC 1000 times, or 40% cull EC 1500 times, or 80% DDVP 1000 to 1500 times to spray, usually 10 to 15 days to spray 1, even Spray 2 or 3 times. 4 Drop 4 to 6 drops of 40% omethoate emulsion stock solution on the bowl during the hazard period, and dilute it with 500 ml of water. Or immersed in pots and earth in pots, dissolved by ordinary watering, 2 grams of 20 cm diameter pots. Or use 1 serving of prickly ash, add 5 servings of water, boil and let it cool, spray the whole plant with a sprayer.

The aphid is also known as a worm and a close insect. The body is small and soft, and its body color is green, yellow, black, brown, etc. The wing membrane is transparent, the abdomen has an abdomen tube, and the antennae are filiform, generally 6 nodes. The main hazards of orchids are peach aphid, cotton aphid, and lily aphid. They occur more than 10 generations a year and have generational alternation habits.

Control methods: 1 During the period of locust infestation, it is necessary to pay constant attention to observation and find that the worm body is brushed with a soft brush, brush tip, or washed with water. 2 Spray with 70 to 100 times neutral detergent, tobacco water, or apply to insects. Preparation of tobacco water: use 1 part of crushed tobacco or cigarette butt, soak in 20 times of water for 24 hours, filter and remove slag and serve. 3 drugs with 50% anti-inferiority WP 2000 times, or 20% speed kill Ding EC 3000 times, or 10% Dianjing WP 500 times. 4 Use a cotton ball to dip 80% of the dichlorvos solution into the pot and cover it with a plastic bag from top to bottom for 2 to 3 hours. Remove the bag and remove the insects. 5 Use 15% Aldicarb Granules and bury them in 3 holes around the orchid plant. The depth of the hole is about 2 cm. After the soil is covered, it is watered.

Red spiders, also known as leafhoppers, are invisible to the naked eye. Body color is mostly brick red, reddish, but also yellow-green, dark green, occurs more than ten generations a year, with females lying in the tree branches cracks, deciduous weeds wintering. In March and April of the following year, a large number of breeding activities began in the middle of May in the northern part of the country. During June and July, the weather was dry and unventilated. The cluster is on the back of the blue leaf and sucks the leaf juice with a needle picker. The needle-like yellow and white spots appear on the victim's leaves, the leaves are dark, and the leaves fall seriously, affecting growth and viewing.

Control methods: 1 Prophylaxis with 40% aqueous phosphatidylcholine 500 to 1000 times spraying orchid strains, spraying once a week, can have an ideal effect. 2 After the occurrence of frequent flushing the front and back of the blue leaf, it can reduce the hazard. 3 During the hazard period, spray 20% dicofol emulsion 800 to 1000 times, or 20% malathion 1000 times. 4 Dioscorean Granules 0.5 ~ 1g, watered after application, or watered omethoate solution.

The whiteflies endanger white orchids, mainly whiteflies, blackflies, oranges, and blackflies. The whole body is powdered and has wings to fly. It harms the blue leaf, inserts it from the back of the leaf with a sucking mouthpart, and sucks the juice. After the injury, the leaves were yellow and the wounds were rotten. The entire plant died.

Control methods: 1 spraying 50% of the marathon emulsion 1000 times. In the end of the hazard period, 40% of the emulsion is used to smash the 1,500 times of the EC, or 10% of the WP can be sprayed with 500 times of the WP. 2 Use a cotton ball to dip the dichlorvos solution and insert it into the pot soil. Put on a plastic bag and smoke. 3 Lan Peng, Lan insects for a long time, every cubic meter with 80% dichlorvos emulsion 1 to 3 ml, add water 150 times, evenly sprinkled in the basin floor, close the doors and windows to kill the adult. 4 Use chrysanthemum-yellow plastic strips or plates, apply a colorless insecticide, and place a space slightly higher than the blue strain.

The horse is 1.5 mm long and light brown in color. It is not easy to see with the naked eye. It is often found in young leaves, buds, and buds of orchids. It is sucked with a sucking mouthpart. Silver-gray stripes or flaky markings appear on the affected leaves, causing the blue leaves to curl or yellow. Thrips occur about 6 to 10 generations a year, with nymphs or cockroaches overwintering in leaf sheaths, clods and dead leaves. Every year from March to April, activities begin. After May, it is severe until late autumn.

Control methods: 1 Winter and spring to remove weeds and leaves, reduce overwintering insect sources. 2 The hazard period spray 50% phoxim emulsion 1500 times, or 40% omethoate EC 1500 times, or 50% dichlorvos 1000 times, or tobacco lime 500 times.

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