Do not worry about using these four tricks to raise pigs

In summer, the temperature rises, the humidity increases, and pigs are prone to disease. This will give pigs a safety hazard over the summer, directly affecting the efficiency of farmers. Therefore, farmers should start preparations for the summer heatstroke prevention work in time. Recently, the reporter interviewed Yang Pinghe, a member of the expert advisory board of the newspaper and professor of animal engineering branch of Yangling Vocational and Technical College. He asked him to support the farmers in the summer management points. Yang Heping summed up a set of effective methods for raising pigs in summer, which are summarized as four points for farmers.

Keeping clean During the summer season when mosquitoes and flies are in the peak season, the production environment of pig farms is poor and it will also bring difficulties to the epidemic prevention work on pig farms. It is recommended that all aspects of the inside and outside environment of the pig house, including the barn, venues and utensils, equipment, as well as drainage channels, air and sow's entire body surface be regularly disinfected.

Improve the environment in the summer heat, pig farms can reduce the proportion of cement floor to reduce the ground temperature, such as increasing the green area around the pig farm, can reduce the ambient temperature of the piggery 3 °C ~ 4 °C, reduce heat radiation 80%. However, tall trees are not suitable because they not only affect ventilation, but also attract wild birds, which are detrimental to disease prevention.

Scientific feeds should be fed with cool feeds rich in vitamins, minerals such as green feed and watermelon rind in summer. Appropriate seasonings such as salty, umami or aroma are added to the mixture to increase the palatability of the feed to increase the feed intake of the pig. It is forbidden to feed mouldy feed. Pigs can be fed four times a day. In order to reduce the activity of pigs during the hottest hours, they can be fed at 4 a.m., 10 a.m., 4 a.m., 9 p.m. one at a time while maintaining ample cooling in the troughs. Drinking water. Every day, pigs should also drink 0.5% light salt water to regulate body temperature.

Safe heatstroke pigs have low feed utilization and slow weight gain when temperatures rise above 35°C. In heatstroke prevention, the affected pigs are first moved to a cool, ventilated place and sprayed on the head and body with cold water. The tails are cut to cut off the ear and blood is taken, and drug treatment is performed at the same time. Chlorpromazine can be used with 2 to 3 ml per kg of body weight and 2 to 6 ml of amian, mixed and injected intramuscularly 3 times a day.

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