Symptoms and Prevention of Yellow Peeling Fluid Defects

First, the symptoms

Young tree trunks are most vulnerable to 10 to 15 centimeters from the ground. The diseased area is pale brown to grayish, slightly sunken, the cortex is broken, and yellow-brown mucous exudates. Xylem poisoning, brown, cross the trunk base, visible brown, circular necrosis lines. In the late stage, under the broken bark, there are small black spots, which are the fruiting bodies of the germs. The leaves can also be damaged. The victim leaves form a gray-brown, round or irregular shaped spot on the leaves. The leaves are yellow, the veins are transparent, the leaves are wilting, and when the disease is heavy, the plants dry to rot.

Second, the pathogen

Pathogen of yellow skin is called Phomopsis wampi CF Zhang et PK Chi is a subgenus of Deuteromycotina. The fruiting bodies and their sub-substances are buried under the bark and are dark brown in color. They produce two kinds of conidia in the cavity of fruit bodies: Type A conidia are colorless, unit cells, straight or slightly curved, oblong; Type B Conidia are colorless and hooked. The pathogen only harms the yellow skin and has no pathogenicity to citrus and mangoes. Third, the infection cycle, disease conditions

The yellow-leaf gum bacteria overwintered under the broken bark. The pathogens in the diseased part of the winter sickness in the spring of the following winter produce a large number of conidia, which are transmitted by rain or air currents. The pathogenicity of the bacteria is not very strong. The pathogens spread to the trunk of the yellow skin that grows weaker or has a wound and invade from the wound. In spring, plenty of rain is conducive to the occurrence of diseases. Every year from April to April is the epidemic season of the disease. If gummy disease occurs, it is very harmful. Fourth, control methods

Measures should be taken to strengthen the combination of cultivation management and disease treatment. 1. After harvesting, it is necessary to strengthen management, turn over soil and increase organic fertilizers to increase tree vigor. 2. Every spring, we must pay attention to the inspection of the diseased tree. Once it is discovered that there is fluid, we must immediately take the curettage. The method is: use the knife to scrape off the part of the diseased and diseased part of the tissue, then apply 1:1:10 Bordeaux pulp, or 50% carbendazim WP 100 to 200 times, or 50% Topozin WP 100 times, has a good therapeutic effect.

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