Cultivation and management of hydroponic flowers

Hydroponic flowers, like other cultures, also require certain management. Compared with soil cultivation or substrate cultivation, its management technology is relatively simple and technically complex. However, in the entire hydroponic process, strengthening scientific management is still a very important link, which is the key to the success of water culture.

[1] Rational fertilization. As we all know, the medium of hydroponic flowers is water, and the fertilizer used is entirely mineral inorganic nutrients, and is made up of a variety of nutrients {a large number of elements and trace elements}. For the nutrients contained in the water, everyone is also quite clear; the large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium needed for flowers are almost empty, and the difference between the trace elements and the soil is also very different. Far from meeting the normal needs of flowers, it is said that timely and rational fertilization for hydroponic flowers. Undoubtedly, it is a very important management measure. So how do you grasp the characteristics of fertilization, quantity of fertilization, fertilization time, and fertilization techniques for hydroponic flowers?

First, we should know that the flowers we plant are made of pots, bottles, cylinders and other equipment without bottom holes. The obvious characteristics of liquid fertilizer {nutrient solution} are applied by hydroponic culture. Therefore, the fertilization technology and other cultivation techniques have been applied. different. Because the substrate for soil cultivation is soil, and the surface of soil particles can absorb some nutrients, excess nutrients can also be automatically lost through the leak hole in the pelvic floor, so it plays a buffer role in the concentration of fertilizer. However, the fertilization of hydroponic flowers is different. All the nutrients in the nutrient solution that we are applying to contain all of the nutrients in the water, so long as it exceeds the tolerance level of the flower to the fertilizer concentration, it will cause harm. Due to the above characteristics, the strict control over the amount of fertilization and fertilization of water culture flowers is an important part. Therefore, in the application of nutrient solution, pay attention to the use of hydroponic flower special fertilizer. And strictly in accordance with the instructions for use, to prevent excessive application, excessive concentration caused by fertilizer.

Secondly, in the amount of fertilization and the time of fertilization, we mainly grasp the principle of less application of diligence and according to the number of times of water exchange, we generally need to add nutrient fertilizer every time we change the water. To replace the fertilizer lost when changing the water. Third, hydroponic flowers must be scientifically and reasonably fertilized according to their different conditions. Reasonable fertilization according to different flower types: This is because different flower types have different abilities to adapt to fertilizers. The general rule is that the slender roots of flowers, such as colorful flowers and begonias, have poor fertility and do not need large amounts of Fertilizers and greater concentrations. Therefore, when fertilizing it, we should master the principles of light, light, and thin. Many fruits, such as pods, Ruby, and Hibiscus, are more fertile. Can grasp the principle of less application, diligence and fertilization. In addition, the flowers of the foliage, the fertilization should be dominated by nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented with phosphorus, potassium, to ensure that the leaves are hypertrophic, smooth foliage, pure leaf color. However, attention must be paid to the type of flowers whose leaves have colored stripes or plaques. It is necessary to apply some nitrogen fertilizers as appropriate, because the excessive nitrogen fertilizer will make the color of the foliage fade or even disappear, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added appropriately. . For flowers of the flower-seeing category, we must master the stages of flower bud differentiation and flower bud development. We mainly use phosphorus and potash fertilizers, supplemented with nitrogenous fertilizers, so as to avoid causing plant growth, causing excessive growth of nutrients and affecting reproductive growth, resulting in small flowers, few flowers, and pale flowers. Even without the negative consequences of flowering. Rational fertilization according to the season and temperature: generally in the summer high temperature, the adaptability of flowers to fertilizer concentration decreases, so at this time should reduce the concentration of fertilization, especially flowers that are afraid of hot summer heat, enter hibernation in the hot season, flowers in vivo The physiological activity is slower and the growth is also in a half stop and stop state. For such flowers, fertilization should be stopped at this time so as not to cause fertilizer damage.

According to the growth potential of flowers: We all know that our indoor lighting conditions are relatively poor. Although most of the indoor leaf culture flowers in the room are in a pleasing or semi-hypnotic environment, but in the absence of light for a long period of time, or in the case of weak light, the growth of the plants will be relatively thin, so the adaptability to fertilizer concentration It will also be reduced. Therefore, when poor growth in poor lighting conditions or plant growth caused by other causes, fertilization should be stopped or less fertilized, and the concentration of fertilization should be reduced as much as possible.

Several problems that should be paid attention to when fertilizing: First, the flowers that have just cultivated in water have not yet adapted to the environment in the water, and often the leaf color turns yellow or the individual rot roots are present. At this time, do not rush to fertilize. Stop for ten days or so. Adapt to the environment or apply new water roots after fertilizing. The second is not to apply urea directly to the water, because urea is an artificial inorganic synthetic organic fertilizer, water culture is sterile or less bacteria cultivation, if you directly apply urea, not only flowers can not absorb nutrients, but also make Some harmful bacteria or microorganisms quickly reproduce and cause water pollution, and produce ammonia gas damage to flowers and cause flower poisoning. Third, if it is found that excessive fertilization causes the roots of flowers to rot and causes deterioration of water quality and contaminates the odors, the decayed roots should be quickly cut off, and water and roots must be changed promptly.

[2] Change the water and wash the roots. The management technology of hydroponic flowers changes the roots of water, which is an important part of guaranteeing the growth of hydroponic flowers. Why do you need to change your roots for water culture flowers? First, the conditions for plant growth are mainly water, nutrients and air. The water and nutrients of hydroponic flowers can absolutely guarantee their needs. The oxygen content of oxygen in the water will gradually decrease with the growth of flowers. When it is reduced to a certain degree, It will not only affect the growth of flowers due to lack of oxygen, although the oxygen in the air will continue to supplement the water, but the amount of supplement is not enough, and the second is the root system of hydroponic flowers growing in the water, on the one hand, absorbing water Nutrients,

On the other hand, some organic substances are discharged into the water, wastes or toxins are also deposited in the water. These organic materials are mainly nutrients in the dissolved soil that are not easily absorbed by the roots when the soil is cultivated, while wastes and toxins are distributed in the soil space or out of the leak holes in the pelvic floor, and are not absorbed by the root system and affect the normal growth of the flowers. . There are no bottom holes in hydroponic containers. These organic substances, wastes, or toxins are deposited in water and are easily inhaled by plants. The repeated cycle of absorption, excretion, reabsorption, and excretion is not conducive to the normality of flowers. Grow and exert normal physiological functions. The third is the nutrient fertilizer that water culture flowers often apply into the water, except that part of the mineral elements is absorbed by the root while the rest is left in the water. When the residual material reaches a certain amount, it will also cause certain damage to the flowers. Fourth, hydroponic flowers grow in the roots of water for a long time, which will produce a kind of mucus. The mucilage will not only affect the absorption of nutrients by flower roots, but also cause pollution to the water. Due to the above reasons, it is necessary to regularly change the water culture and wash root management. So, how do we master the changing of the water-washing technique and changing the washing time? The first is to regularly change the water according to the type of flowers and their adaptation to hydroponic conditions. Some flowers, especially aquatic or wet flowers, are well adapted to the conditions of hydroponic culture. After the water is planted, new roots can continue to grow on the original root system and they grow well. For these flowers, the time interval for changing the water can be longer. However, some flowers do not adapt to the hydroponic environment after hydroponic cultivation, and their recovery and growth are slow. Even after water-planting, root decay occurs. For these flowers, in the initial period of entering the hydroponic environment, the water should be changed frequently, and even once in 1-2 days. It is not until the emergence of new roots and normal growth that the number of water changes can be gradually reduced. Second, there is a close relationship between the temperature and the growth of plants. The higher the temperature, the lower the oxygen content in the water; the lower the temperature, the higher the oxygen content in the water. On the other hand, the higher the temperature, the stronger the respiration of the plant and the more oxygen it consumes; the lower the temperature, the weaker the respiration of the plant and the less oxygen consumed. Therefore, when the temperature is high, the oxygen content decreases, and when the temperature is low, the water contains a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, the water should be changed frequently during the high temperature season, and the time interval for changing the water in the cold season should be longer. The third is to grasp the normal growth of flowers and plants strong, change the water for a long time, due to various reasons caused by poor growth of flower plants, the change of water some. According to the above aspects, the following principles can be roughly grasped for the requirements of changing the water and washing roots; in the hot summer season, the water should be changed every 4-5 days, and in spring and autumn, the water can be changed once a week or so. The time of changing the water in winter should be longer, generally 15-20 days for a water change. While changing the water, be very careful to wash away the mucus at the root, remember not to break or injure the root system. If it is found that there are mosses such as rocks, it should be promptly removed. To enhance the ornamental value and conducive to the normal growth of flowers.

[3] spray water wash. Hydroponic flowers, especially indoor hydroponic foliage plants, most of them prefer higher air humidity. If the indoor air is too dry, it will cause the blades to have sharp or focal edges. Thus affecting the ornamental value of flowers. Therefore, water should always be sprayed on plants to increase the humidity of the air, which is conducive to the normal growth of flowers.

[4] Proper ventilation. As we mentioned before, the quality of water cultured flowers is directly related to the oxygen content in the water. The amount of oxygen in the water is related to the activities of indoor personnel and the quality of ventilation. When the indoor ventilation is poor and the personnel are frequently active, the oxygen content in the water is rapidly reduced, which will affect the growth of hydroponic flowers, while maintaining good indoor ventilation conditions can increase the oxygen content in the water. Therefore, for places where hydroponic flowers are cultivated, ventilation should be strengthened to keep the indoor fresh air and flowers growing well.

[5] Timely trim. For some hydroponic flowers that grow well and have a more developed root system, when the length of the plant's branches affects the plant type, the long branches should be trimmed in time to avoid affecting the viewing. The cut branches can also be inserted into the flowers. In the apparatus, let them grow roots and make the whole plant more plump and perfect. The root cutting time is best carried out when the spring flowers begin to grow. It can also be combined with water changes to cut off excess, aged, decayed roots at any time for normal growth.

[6] Maintain hygiene. We know that hydroponic flowers are inorganic nutrients. Most of them avoid organic substances from entering the water, and they cannot use organic fertilizers. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of water culture flowers is the key measure to ensure its good growth. So don't put food and organic fertilizers into water culture flowers. It is also not free to put hands deep into the water to ensure that the quality of water used is not deteriorating, not polluting, making it clean and sanitary and ensuring the growth of flowers.

[7] Winter warmth. Hydroponics flower warm winter work, is more difficult to do a management content, generally grasp the temperature above 8 degrees, for most of the hydroponic flowers will not be victimized, the minimum temperature of less than 5 degrees studio, it must be used Necessary warmth measures.

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