Pesticides prohibited in walnut production

The use of highly toxic, highly toxic, and high-residue pesticides and pesticides that cause carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects such as monocrotophos, parathion (1605), methyl parathion (methyl 1605), and water are prohibited in walnut production. Phosphate, methamidophos, dicofol, insecticidal cockroach, hexacylammonium, DDT, fomeparin, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate, zinc methyl arsenate, ferric ammonium methyl decanoate (Tian'an), fomeparoxime , With antimony tin, Triphenyl tin chloride, Toxiphori tin, Xi Lisheng, Sairan powder, Calcium fluoride, sodium fluoroacetate, fluoroacetic acid amine, sodium fluoroaluminate, sodium fluorosilicate, lindane, Eichsteins Agents, Dieldrin, Dibromoethane, Dibromochloropropane, Phosphor (391), Diphosporate, Methylisothiophos, Omethoxide, Oxydiuron, Phosphazene, Carbofuran (Carbofuran) ), aldicarb (iron extinguishing gram), methadone (all spirits), methyl bromide, pentachloro nitrobenzene, chlorpyrifos (rapid extinguishment, speed gram).

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