Vegetarian production technology

1, raw materials

Wet gluten 50 kg.

2, production rate

Every 50 kg of wet gluten can produce 47 kg of vegetarian sausage.

3, the method of manufacture

(1) Forming:

Wet gluten does not ferment, the more fresh gluten, the harder the better. First cut the gluten into thick strips like the thumb, use two bamboo chopsticks as the core, and pull the long side of the gluten around the chopsticks, and it will be about 10 centimeters long.

(2) Cooked:

The gluten that has been wrapped around the chopsticks is boiled in a boiling pot until it is completely cooked and the chopsticks are removed.

(3) Remove chopsticks:

After removing the gluten from the pan and cooling it, the chopsticks are removed and the hollow sausage is prepared.

4, tool equipment

Some chopsticks, cooking pots, earth stoves, scissors and fences, etc.

5, specifications and quality

30 to 40 per kilogram, uniform in size. The surface is smooth, no baotou, no water in the intestines.

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