The Causes of Wheat Varieties and Control Measures

After the emergence of winter wheat, due to the influence of natural conditions and cultivation measures, various abnormal color seedlings are often formed. In order to facilitate the management of farmers' friends due to seedlings, the author will introduce them separately as follows:

First, yellow leaf seedlings

1. Caused by soil drought. This situation occurs most often in wheat fields where there is insufficient moisture or wind. The childbirth is born slowly, the leaves are gray-green, the heart is short, and the growth is slow or stagnant (commonly known as "contraction heart seedlings"). The middle and lower leaves gradually turn yellow and dry, and the roots are small and thin. Management combined with watering, topdressing 7-8 kg of urea per acre.

2. Caused by soil compaction. Due to lack of gas and lack of gas, the roots are difficult to spread, resulting in short yellow leaves, and the tillers cannot appear on time. Management timely watering, and then cultivating loose soil, remove the rigid layer.

3. Caused by nitrogen deficiency. Seedlings are thin and erect, with few tillers and short and narrow leaves. The lower leaves start from the tips of the leaves and gradually turn yellow and dry and develop toward the upper leaves. 7 to 8 kg of urea per mu or 600 to 700 kg of human excreta are used to apply water or water to the ditch.

4. Caused by excessive broadcast volume. Plants are thin, thin, and malnourished. They compete for light, compete for fertilizer, compete for water, and form weak yellow seedlings. Management must first pay close attention to sparse seedlings, combined with watering, topdressing a small amount of nitrogen and phosphorus available fertilizer, to make up for excessive consumption of soil nutrients, prompting the wheat seedlings from weak to strong.

5. Caused by pests and diseases. Wheat worms, red spiders and other pests and diseases can also cause yellow wheat. It was found that insect pests were sprayed with 4 dimethoate 1500-2000 times in time.

Second, red leaf seedlings

1. Caused by waterlogging. Timely ditch drainage in addition to stains, and topdressing a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer to promote early-onset seedlings.

2. Caused by freezing damage. Scratching, ramming soil, roots, 75-100 kilograms of plant ash per acre.

3. Caused by the lack of phosphorus in the soil. Combine ploughing and loosing soil, use 20-30 kg of superphosphate per acre to apply irrigation or water to the water between rows.

Third, Huang Bai Miao

More due to lack of zinc in the soil. Can be used per gram of zinc sulfate 1 kg of fine soil or organic fertilizer 15 to 20 kilograms, ditch applied in the interline, or with 0.1% to 0.2% of zinc sulfate solution foliar spray.

Fourth, brown seedlings

Brown seedlings are generally caused by potassium deficiency, and management uses 15 kg of potassium sulfate or 100 kg of vegetation ash per mu, which is applied in the trenches, or with foliar spraying of 0.2% to 0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

V. purple leaf seedlings

When the wheat seedling lacks boron, the stems and leaves are hypertrophied and the leaves are purple. 150-200 grams of borax can be used per acre, and the appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphate fertilizer with water pouring, or borax 50 ~ 100 grams per acre, 50 ~ 60 kg of water spray on the foliage.

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