
Lacquer trees are wild deciduous trees. Also known as the five-eyed fruit. This species is only one species, produced in India and southern China.

The height of the tree can reach 30 meters and the diameter at breast height is more than 1 meter. The stems are straight and the bark is longitudinally split and flakes off. Leaves are odd-pinnate, leaflets 7-9, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, apex subtipped, base oblique, veins clustered below, entire or germinating leaves serrate. Flower heterogeneity, unisexual flower panicle, amphorae flowers racemose; ovary 5 rooms, stone fruit yellow, the top of the fruit core has 5 small holes. Located in the south of the Yangtze River Basin in Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet and other provinces (autonomous regions). The vertical distribution is mostly below 1000 meters above sea level and the upper limit is 1600 meters. Hi light, requiring a moist environment. A wide range of heat requirements, from the tropical to mid-subtropical growth can be light frost resistance.

Wood is a ring hole material, narrow sapwood, yellow brown, not decay, heartwood into red, straight texture, light and soft material, medium strength, easy processing, no cracking after drying. Corrosion resistance, insect resistance, can be used for construction, vehicles, shipbuilding, furniture and farm machinery and other materials. Fruity, sweet and sour, edible. Bark fibers can make ropes. Bark and fruit for medicinal purposes. Core can be made of activated carbon.

Laboratory ovens are ovens for high-forced volume thermal convection applications. These ovens generally provide uniform temperatures throughout. Process applications for laboratory ovens can be for annealing, die-bond curing, drying, Polyimide baking, sterilizing, and other industrial laboratory functions. Typical sizes are from one cubic foot to 0.9 cubic metres (32 cu ft) with temperatures that can be over 340 degrees Celsius.


Laboratory ovens can be used in numerous different applications and configurations, including clean rooms, forced convection, horizontal airflow, inert atmosphere, natural convection, and pass through.


Some of the types of industries that typically use these laboratory ovens are the healthcare industry, technology industry, and transportation industry. Civil engineering laboratories uses ovens for drying asphalt, soil, rock, or concrete samples.

Laboratory Oven

Laboratory Oven,Benchtop Lab Oven,Lab Drying Oven,Laboratory Drying Oven

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