Five points for kiwi management

First, prevent diseases and insect pests early. Before germination and germination period, use 800 times liquid new high-fat film and 150 times barium polysulfide for tree insect control, or use tree protection general with 3 to 5 degrees stone sulfur mixture to kill insect eggs and overwintering pathogens. After spreading leaves, spray a new high-fat film 500-600 times liquid, which not only supplements nutrients but also prevents disease.
Second, early application of germination fertilizer. Results The large trees were applied with 1.5 ~ 2 kg of compound fertilizer, and the small trees were applied with 0.5 ~ 1 kg.
3. Establish the pillars early and tie up the vines as soon as possible. Establish the pillars as soon as possible without the pillars, and complete this work before the leaves sprout. Standing pillars, pulling the wire too late, it is easy to damage the young buds of kiwi. Unbound kiwi garden should be bound in time before budding. The basic technical essentials are: no wires are found on the branches, and the branches are tied. The branches should be placed evenly at an equal distance. The branch distance is about 30 to 40 cm. They do not overlap, do not cross, and are not crowded. The branches are dragged and tied, leaving no big joy in the middle, the thick branches are tied horizontally, and the middle branches are tied diagonally.
Fourth, shallow, repair the channel. After the beginning of spring, the temperature rises quickly, which is not good for the growth of the awakened kiwi root system, because the evaporation of ground water continues to increase. Therefore, after the Spring Festival, the kiwi garden should be shallowly raked and raked to break the capillary of the soil to promote orchard maintenance and repair irrigation and drainage channels. .
Fifth, prevent frost damage early. At the beginning of sprouting, pay attention to frost. Water the orchard before the frost arrives, spray with new high-fat film in time to prevent frost, smoke on the ground, whiten the tree, and spray the general anti-night cream.

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