Fast-growing farmbirds - musk duck

A large individual, fast-growing, omnivorous type of dry poultry - musk duck. Musk duck plumage is mostly grayish black. The ducks are generally raised in dry conditions. The food is mainly tender grass, coarse grains and omnivores. After the females have been fertilized, they produce about 20 eggs each time, which means they begin to self-incubate the ducklings, which is not affected by the season. Therefore, the annual reproduction continues, and each female breeds more than 150 offspring each year. Only 3 months after the hatchlings hatch, the mother grows to about 3 kg, and the male grows to more than 4 kg. The requirements for housing and management during the breeding period are simple and there are few epidemics. Ducks have a high lean meat percentage and are delicious in meat quality. They are priced more expensively than grass ducks.