African violet African badger

Scientific name: Saintpauliaionantha

Alias: Africa

Family Genus: Gesneriaceae African Violet

Species: Evergreen flowers

Morphological characteristics:

Plants are short, plant height is generally 15 to 20 centimeters, body tender meaty and densely covered by white hairs, with extremely short stem above ground.

The leaves rotate to form a rosette, which is oval in shape. The leaves are oval in shape, slightly apex apex, about 6 cm long and 5 cm wide.

The pedicel is extracted from the leaves and leaves. The stems are reddish-brown. The flowers are single-flowered or interdigitated. The tepals are 5-lobed, composed of discs, with a flower diameter of 3-4 cm. The lobes are ovate and the flowers are dark violet and blue-purple. , light red, white, red and other colors, and there are single and double petals, some leaves with yellow patterns.

The flowering period is very long and it can continuously bloom in summer, autumn and winter.


Native to tropical Africa, it grows in a warm and humid place in the rainforest.

Growth habits:

African violets are warm, moist and well-ventilated. They are neither cold nor heat-resistant. A suitable growth temperature is 18-24°C. African Violet Hi light, if the light is not enough, only long leaves do not bloom; but fear of direct light, the light is too strong, the leaves will appear yellow spots, so do not sun exposure.

Relative humidity should be 50-80%. Place pots with plants on trays that hold water to increase relative humidity. Do not spray on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will produce unsightly yellow spots. Do not pour water on the leaves.

Soil watering is usually done indoors twice a week. African violets are required to loosen fertile humus soil, basins should be short and wide, and well drained.

Fertilizer once a week in the growing season, should be applied thin liquid fertilizer, flowering nitrogen fertilizer should be less.

African violets can be propagated using ramets or cuttings. Tissue culture can also be used. The cuttings are generally inserted by leaves. In May, the leaves with 2-5 cm petioles are inserted into the sandy soil. Pay attention to moisturizing. Usually about 15 days can take root.


African violet is one of the world's famous potted plants.

Dwarf plant elegant, small flowers. Put on the window sill or move into the interior desk after flowering. It is very elegant.

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