University of Queensland researchers invent a cheap and simple cancer detection method

University of Queensland researchers invent a cheap and simple cancer detection method

January 04, 2019 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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On December 4, 2018, Nature News published a paper by researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia, who invented an inexpensive and simple method of detecting cancer, showing the presence of malignant cells in various parts of the body through a color-changing solution. It takes less than ten minutes and the test accuracy is as high as 90%.

Cancer is caused by changes in DNA, and the University of Queensland research team found that cancer DNA and normal DNA adhere to metal surfaces in distinct ways, allowing researchers to distinguish between healthy cells and cancer cells. When the researchers placed cancer cells in a solution containing "nanogold" (colloidal gold), the cancer cells would adhere to them and immediately change the color of the solution. At present, 200 comparative tests have been conducted with high accuracy.

The new technology is fairly simple and cost-effective, and doctors are expected to use it in the clinic. "Our technology can be used as a screening job to inform clinicians that patients may have cancer, but they will need to use other techniques to test to determine the type and stage of the cancer," the researchers said.

The new test method is still in development, and the research team is working with the University of Queensland Technology Transfer Company to conduct more clinical trials on the technology and find suitable business partners.

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