Six Methods for Prevention and Control of Flower Heartworms

There are many types of ticks, such as larvae of the larvae, larvae of the moth and other larvae of other insects. Crow ā19. 贰 (10) 藁ü? (7) N Wei is the most vulnerable. The heartworm first enters the twigs and then invades the cadres. After years of practice, the following methods for the prevention and control of heartworms have been summarized. 1. Using Vaseline oil to plug boring holes, causing the air to circulate, causing the mites to suffocate in the wormholes? With a wire into the hole, kill the aphid. The tip of the wire is bent back into a hook shape to hook out the body. If a locust is punctured, a water slurry will be attached to the wire. 3. Insert a ball of cotton ball soaked in dichlorvos into the hole and close the hole with clay or vaseline to kill the tapeworm. 4. In 蛀孔? ( 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 胫 胫 胫 胫 胫 桑 桑 桑 桑 桑 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 0 The ovum of aphids is on the young shoots, becomes a green worm after hatching, crawls along the stalks, and invades the stalks. 谄渑 龋 谄渑 ​​谄渑 谄渑 谄渑 谄渑 谄渑 冢 涫 涫 涫 涫 镌绱悍 镌绱悍 (13) 慷 赡壑 赡壑 保 保 缛 缛 缛 缛霾 remember? The larvae have been invaded into the branches. The necessary time to remove them from the wormhole is about 2 inches below the hole.


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