Late rice seedlings guard against rice stubble

Late rice seedlings grow during the season of high temperature and high humidity. Young seedlings are young and green, and are vulnerable to pests. According to the survey, late-season rice seedlings damaged by rice thrips have dead leaves that seriously affect normal growth. 1. Life habits Rice blast horses are the main pests in the early stage of rice growth, and are generally the most serious at the seedling stage and early stage of the tillering stage. The newly hatched nymphs were first hidden in the young shade of the leaves, between the leaves and the curled leaves, and then they were scattered on the young leaves to feed on them. In the early stages of the attacked leaves, white to yellow-brown small scars appeared, and then the blades tipped and withered. In the early stage of rice growth, the leaves are green and easy to cause damage to rice thrips, especially for seedlings. 2. Prevention and control methods (1) Clear the stems of weeds in the field to prevent the migration of grasshoppers to the hazards of fields and fields; (2) Spray the seedlings with 800-fold solution of 20% Baiyaojing EC; (3) Late rice Honda At the beginning of delivery, mu is sprayed with 10% WP WP 800 times.