Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Diet Considerations

Summer and fall season is the high season of hand, foot and mouth disease in children. Generally, after 5 to 10 days in general, most children will heal themselves. But during the illness, the baby's mouth will show herpes or ulcers and refuse to eat. Therefore, parents must pay attention to the baby's diet. Give children more light and non-irritating foods.

First, pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease diet considerations

1, early childhood diet hand, foot and mouth disease disease notes

Symptoms: mouth pain, fear of food.

Dietary principles: Mainly liquid foods such as milk, soymilk, rice soup, egg soup etc., eat less meals and maintain basic nutritional needs. In order to reduce mouth pain while eating, the food must not be hot or cold, and the taste should not be salty or sour. Allows the baby to suck with a straw, reducing food contact with the oral mucosa.

2, pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease burning stage diet considerations

Symptoms: Reduced pain in the mouth.

Dietary principles: Mainly muddy foods such as milk banana paste. Milk provides high quality protein; bananas are easy to make into a paste, rich in carbohydrates, carotene and pectin, can provide heat, vitamins, and laxative.

3, pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease recovery diet considerations

The principle of diet: to eat more meals, the amount does not need too much, nutrition is high. For example, add a small amount of vegetables, chopped bean curd, and shredded mushrooms to the eggs. About 10 days or so back to normal diet. There are also sayings "Plenty, not moving." Completely vegetarian, excluding milk, eggs and other nutrients, the nutritional quality is not enough, the lack of high-quality protein, and the antibody is a protein, so the vegan wrong.

4, pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease diet taboo

Children with icy cold, spicy, sour and salty and other irritating foods; during treatment should pay attention not to eat fish, shrimp, crab.

Second, pediatric hand, foot and mouth disease recipes

Recipe I: Vegetable Rice Soup

Raw materials: Rice - 2 tablespoons, potatoes - 1/5, carrots - 1/10, salt - several


1. Amoy rice and brew well.

2. Cut potatoes and carrots into small pieces.

3. Pour rice and chopped vegetables into a pot and add appropriate amount of boiled water.

4. Filter the boiled material once more and season with proper amount of salt.

5. It would be better to add some milk properly.

Recipe 2: White radish porridge

Raw materials: 3 tablespoons of white radish, 4 tablespoons of soft gruel

Seasoning: half a cup of soup


1, white radish leaves washed, cut into pieces and spare.

2. Pour the gruel into a bowl and add it to the soup.

3, the white radish mud into the porridge, into the microwave, transferred to a high fire, heating 1 minute or so. Take it out.

Recipe III: Carrots

Ingredients: 2 scoops of ground carrot, 2 apples, half fruit juice, a little honey.


1. Peel the cleaned carrots and apples and pulverize the seeds.

2, the juice, carrot and apple powder mix thoroughly into the pot and boil, cook until a paste can be eaten.

Recipe IV: Apple Mud

Ingredients: Apple 100 grams, cold water amount.


1. Peel the apple and peel it, then slowly scrape it into a paste with a scraper or spoon and feed it.

2, or the apple washed, peeled, cut into small pieces of soybean-sized diced, add the amount of cold water, the cage steam for 20-30 minutes, until slightly cooler to feed.

3, pay attention to the scraper or spoon must be washed and disinfected.

Doorbell Camera

1. Considering the limitation of storage space and storage cost, as well as the fact that video recording in public places such as residential areas is a prerequisite for multi slot and a certain degree of clarity, video recording is generally deleted once a week or so. 15 days for general entertainment venues, 26 days for financial industry, and 3 months to half a year for banks, depending on the current venue regulations
2. The length of the storage time of the monitoring video is generally related to the following points: the capacity of the host's hard disk. Generally, a camera needs about 0.3G-0.5G of hard disk capacity for 24 hours of continuous video recording. Different systems have different parameters, the minimum is 0.15G/24 hours;
3. The number of cameras. The more cameras, the more capacity required. Also, the selection of the resolution and picture quality of the recorded picture will also affect the capacity required for video storage;
4. The video recording mode will also affect the space required for storage. The video recording mode is generally divided into [Mobile Video Recording] and [Continuous Video Recording]. The former means that the host starts to record when a moving object passes through the monitoring range, and does not record at other times. This can reduce the storage space required for video recording; On the contrary, continuous video recording is 24-hour continuous video recording.

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