Eggplant grafting disease resistance and high yield

Eggplant soil infectious diseases and insects in the soil can survive for as long as 3 to 7 years, the application of pesticides is difficult to control, so eggplant can not generally re-cultivation, must be non-solanum crops for 4 to 5 years of rotation. The eggplant grafting cultivation technology has fundamentally prevented the occurrence of these soil-borne diseases, reduced the use of pesticides and the amount of pesticide residues, and the economic benefits have also been greatly improved. The yield per mu is up to 7-10 tons and it is not grafted. 2 to 3 times. 1. Introduction of rootstocks: (1) Planneola, also known as red eggplant and red eggplant, is mainly resistant to wilt disease, and its resistance to bacterial wilt is up to 80%. The seeds are easy to germinate, the grafting survival rate is high, and the use of flat pepper as the rootstock needs to be sown 7 days earlier than the scions. Soil-borne disease (wild wilt) is a serious plot and it is inappropriate to use this variety as rootstock. (2) T. gmelinii has a high resistance to Verticillium wilt (control efficacy is above 93%), and is a common rootstock species commonly used in the North. Seeds are easy to germinate and germinate after approx. 10 days after soaking for 24 hours. C. oleifera is more resistant to low temperatures and is suitable for grafting cultivation in autumn and winter greenhouses. Thorn fruit and pepper as rootstock need to be sown 5 to 20 days earlier than scion. (3) The rootstocks of Tolubam have four kinds of soil-borne diseases such as Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, Bacterial wilt, and Root-knot nematode, and they have reached high levels of resistance or immunity. Seeds need to germinate, that is, soaking for each kg of gibberellin concentration of 100 to 200 mg soaked for 24 hours, then immersed in clean water, germination into a small cloth bag. Sprouting should be 25 days ahead of scion, and 35 days in advance if seed soaked. 2. The selection of scions The above types of rootstocks have strong affinity for the scion. After the grafting, the wounds can generally heal in 7 to 10 days. The requirements for the scion of rootstocks are not strict. For example, Eqie No.1 and No.8819 lines of the autumn and winter stalks in our province, the eggplants of the farmers, and the eggplants of the farmers, the Suqi eggplant and the Hangzhou red eggplant of the winter and spring stalks, and the Xi'an green eggplant and the Luoyang green eggplant and the 9318 purple eggplant and so on. Can be used as a scion. 3. Grafting seedlings (1), sowing seedlings must first broadcast seedstocks after the broadcast sowing, autumn and winter sorghum cultivation of general rootstocks sowing in mid-July, winter and spring sorghum general rootstock sowing in mid-September, early shed cultivation of greenhouses generally around January sowing. (2) Disinfection To prevent the spread of disease, scion seeds must be soaked in warm water (55°C) or soaked in 50% carbendazim for 2 hours. Scion seedling bed soil should be selected from soil that has not been planted with solanaceous crops, or soilless seedlings. 4. Methods of Grafting (1) Axillary grafting When the rootstock grows to 6 to 7 true leaves and the scion grows to 5 to 6 true leaves, grafting can be performed. Match the roots and scion pairs with similar stem thickness, pair the top two true leaves in the rootstock, cut off the upper part with a blade, and then longitudinally cut the deep 1.0~..5 cm incision in the middle of the stem transverse section; take the scion seedling to retain 2~3 The true leaf is cut horizontally and the lower end is cut off. Then the wedge is carefully cut. The length of the incline is similar to the length of the rootstock incision. The scion is then inserted into the incision in the rootstock. After the alignment, it is clamped with a fixed clip and placed on the ground of the seedbed. (2) The size of the rootstock and scion in the pasting method is the same as above. First, leave two true leaves on the rootstock, remove the lower part, and then cut into a 30-degree angle bevel. The bevel length is 1 to 1.5 cm; take scion and retain 2 to 3 pieces. True leaves, cut off the lower end, but also cut into the same size and the same size of the slope of the rootstock, the two aligned, close, with a fixed clip can be firmly clamped. 5. Management of Grafted Seedlings (1) The warmer the wounds after grafting, the more suitable the temperature is about 25°C. Therefore, the seedbed greenhouse should be controlled at 24-26°C during the 3 to 5 days, preferably 28°C during the day, and at 20-22°C during the night, not below 16°C. Small greenhouse insulation can be set up in the greenhouse, cooling measures should be taken in the hot season, such as scaffolding, ventilation and other methods to cool down. After 3 to 5 days, the air was released and the temperature was gradually lowered. (2) Moisturizing and moisturizing is the key to the success of grafting. It is required that within 3 to 5 days, the relative humidity in the small arch shed should be controlled to 90% to 95%. After 4 to 5 days, the ventilation should be cooled and the humidity should be lowered, but the relative humidity should be kept between 85% and 90%. (3) Shading can be covered with paper, straw, etc. on a small shed. Within 3 to 4 days after grafting, all light must be shielded, and light should be given on the 4th day, morning and evening. After shading at noon, the cover is gradually removed. When the temperature is low, the light can be properly seen early to increase the temperature and promote wound healing; After about 10 to 15 days, the interface was completely healed, the clamps were removed, and routine management resumed. Grafting seedlings often grow lateral buds, should be promptly erased in the sunny morning, so as not to surface pathogens infected through the wound. 6. Time for planting: The grafted eggplant seedlings in arch sheds are planted in late March. The grafted eggplant seedlings in the autumn greenhouse are planted in mid-September; the eggplant grafted seedlings in winter and spring greenhouses are planted in mid-December.

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