Technical points of storing fruit tree seedlings

After the fruit saplings are dug out of the nursery, they must be stored well before the winter and planted in the spring of the following year. Storage fruit saplings generally begin in early November. The storage of fruit saplings is not good, which can cause seedlings to scratch, germinate, rot, lose water, and even die. Groove storage method is simple, easy and effective. Now the technical points of the fruit tree seedlings in the trench are introduced as follows: 1. Dig seedlings: To ensure that the pure seedlings are diversified, they must be classified strictly according to different varieties. Prevent mixed varieties. 2. Picking seedlings: Saplings that grow extremely weakly and are seriously injured and severely damaged cannot be used for storage. 3. Finish seedlings: For storage of seedlings, first cut the branches and branches of the pests and the following 60 centimeters, cut the big wounds when the roots can be cut. Then bundle each 100 bundles. 4. Digging trenches: Storage trenches should be selected for high groundwater, well-drained, and leeward. The direction is east-west direction. The trench width is 1.3 meters, the trench depth is 1.5 meters, and the length depends on the number of saplings. There is a slope. After the ditch is dug, 15 cm thick wet sand is laid at the bottom of the ditch. 5. Put the seedlings: Put the sorted seedlings and roots slightly on the wet sand in the east-west direction, with 3 bundles per row. The interval between the row and the row, the bundle and the bundle is 10 centimeters, until it is almost full, different varieties. Different grades should be marked with wooden cards that have been written. 6. Fill sand and seal soil: fill the ditch with wet sand first, so that the fruit trees are bundled and bundled, row and row are filled with wet sand. When the seedlings are covered with 10 cm thick wet sand, use soil sealing ditch and leveling, and close together. Into a fish ridge, to facilitate the exclusion of water. After sealing the soil, some water can be poured properly, and usually 4 barrels of water per square meter. (Peng Fuxing, Agricultural Technology Promotion Station, Zhanhe District, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province)


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